Actually, people like Jordan Peterson are the real defenders of the status quo. Peterson thinks defending socially conservative values that have been dominant forever against the “cultural Marxist elites” makes him a rebel.
He thinks he’s somehow being silenced by the “mainstream media” despite the fact he is massively successful in part due to countless puff pieces that ratify this mediocrity’s position as a culturally important public figure.
It’s a great grift, honestly. I respect his hustle.
I wish I could get rubes to pay $120/year to rant incoherently about how Disney’s Frozen is subverting traditional feminine archetypes.
Anyhoo, if you don’t like my opinions, go over to Thinkspot and shell out $25 a month to hear a self-styled philosopher give hour-long sermons titled “Marcus Aurelius, MMA and the New Masculinity” or some other warmed-over pseudointellectual horseshit that you nerds eat up with a spoon