“And the IDW did form in response to the excesses of the social justice left at a time of mass demographic and cultural change. It is therefore by definition a “reactionary” movement, as Klein construed it”
You’re clearly confusing “reactionary” with “reactive.” They have the same denotative meaning, but in political science, “reactionary” has a specific, set definition. It’s a type of ultra-conservative politics. That’s what Klein means.
It doesn’t just mean a type of politics formed in response to other politics.
“Progressive” is the antonym of “reactionary.”Reactionary” leftists is an oxymoron.
The progressive worldview is based on a linear concept of progress, hence the name. To the left of them are Marxists who have a similar sort of idea of history advancing in stages toward socialism called the March of History
By contrast conservatives and fascists see history as cyclical. Great civilizations rise, peak, degenerate, fall and are renewed.
To answer your question, there are no progressives who look to return to the past. If they did, they would not be progressives. They would be reactionaries. The only tendency fitting this description that’s arguably on the left is anarcho-primitivism.
The Unabomber, the patron saint of anarcho-primitivism, is actually venerated by the far-right for his anti-modernist manifesto. Primitivists are also denounced by left-libertarians like Bookchin as eco-fascists.