Good post, but if I could offer some constructive feedback: You might want to think about breaking it up into a series so it is a little easier to digest. I know that’s a tough decision since you already got a lot of claps for this, but you could edit this down to serve as an introduction, and then explore the other subheads in more detail in other articles.
The way people read these days is very a la carte. They like to jump around from story to story and read short 3–5 minute pieces.
Also I would lose some of the big blocks of tweets like that “frogwave” bit and just highlight a few that are particularly telling while paraphrasing/summarizing the rest and transitioning between actual images of the tweets.
Just a thought. Hope you find that helpful.
Big fan of you and Patch and all the other antifascist furries. Keep it up. We need more voices like yours on this subject.