I dunno, prefacing your statement with five lines about how you dated a black guy once and donate to Black Lives Matter and help underprivileged kids and how you can’t possibly be a racist because of all that stuff seems like sorta peak Karen behavior, which leads me to believe you probably aren’t just being called Karen because of how you look.
Also, I find it sort of suspect when people spend so much time trying to prove how not racist they are. The more you protest that you’re not, the less I believe you. Every white person in America, myself included, is to some degree a racist. We internalize all the assumptions of white supremacy because it’s the water we’re swimming in. It’s so entrenched at an ideological level that we can’t not be racist. The best we can do is own and confront it, and you can’t really do that if you’re NotAllWhitePeople-ing all the time.