I never said that there weren't a lot of poor whites who support Trump. He performed well with voters without college degrees. But the average Trump voter is comfortably middle class and supports him generally out of some combination of class interest, racism and/or loyalty to the Republican Party. To simplify it to "They're just a bunch of dumb country rubes" fundamentally misunderstands the issue.
And my other point is that if you choose to use poor people to represent a group that you hate, then you hate poor people. The fact is: People who look like the folks shown in the picture probably didn't vote for Trump. They probably didn't vote at all. Poor people are less likely to vote because the political process doesn't provide them with anything.
We probably wouldn't even have Trump if Democrats weren't consistently looking down their noses at the poor while cozying up to hedge fund managers. If liberals would return to the policies of the New Deal and the Great Society, maybe they could mobilize the poor to vote for them regularly. Instead, they pass some warmed over bullshit that the Heritage Foundation pitched in the 90s (the ACA) and act like it's revolutionary because the first Black president passed it.