Is Joe Biden angry in this clip?
Who is Joe’s anger directed at? Who are the people who were harmed by the policies he’s advocating?
I’d personally rather have a president with an oppositional attitude toward the rich and powerful than one who demonizes black youth in order to sell a failed policy of mass incarceration.
I’d rather have a person speak angrily about inequality in order to mobilize support for taxes on the few that will pay the basic needs of the many vs. a craven opportunist who rails against “superpredators,” i.e. young black males, because so-called tough-on-crime policies are politically popular with his base.
You say the role of the president is to “unify” people, but that ignores a basic reality that class exists. The wealthy are class conscious. They pursue their own interests and their interests are fundamentally at odds to the vast majority of Americans.
How can Amazon workers, who are sacrificing their health and wellbeing for the company’s profits, find common ground with Jeff Bezos, whose wealth depends directly on their exploitation? How are they to “unify?” Why do companies like Amazon and Walmart devote so much resources to thwarting their employees constitutionally guaranteed right to organize? Are they genuinely acting in their employees best interests?
It’s just naivete to say “Well, gee whiz, we’re all Americans. We need to come together.” Give me the candidate who is angry about injustice. Give me someone who will fight it. Give me the candidate who is funded by $18 donations.
You can take the one who sells you the snake oil of “unity” while his pockets bulge with billionaire cash.