Listen nerd, if you’re going to keep responding to all my articles, you should maybe learn to read first. Also pick up a biology textbook or read a research paper.
About 4 percent of variance in social mobility is predicted by the genes, not 4 percent of genes have been “mapped” to mental abilities. They’re just candidate genes still anyways and only about 50 have been found that have been linked to intelligence in GWAS studies done exclusively in European populations. You can read Dr. Posthuma’s reply to Davide Piffer published on the Unz Review for reasons why it’s problematic to apply these results to other population. It has to do with a concept called linkage disequilibrium.
50 genes is actually much, much less than 4 percent of the total genes estimated to be related to mental ability, which is possibly upward of around 10,000+, so that would be about .005 percent.
Lastly, I don’t think the results are racist. I think the science is just fine. I think laypeople reading way too much into the results to confirm their own racist/classist beliefs is the problem.
Anyways, enjoy getting all your science news from the Daily Mail, poindexter. Maybe you should change your name to Credulous Meerkat.